Organization & Capabilities

MaxGrowth works with clients to build capabilities that help them grow and sustain high-performing organizations.

We clarify the role of marketing and sales within a company and then help design the organizational structure that best supports those functions. We also help clients organize for digital leadership so that they can adapt and succeed in an increasingly digital world. To sustain success, we build the client’s institutional skills. Each of these transformational elements is a challenge in its own right. 

Our work helps clients come to grips with the most difficult issues and questions relating to commercial transformations such as becoming more customer-centric; establishing structures and processes to better link marketing with the rest of the business; boosting efficiency and effectiveness; and capitalizing on emerging market and digital marketing opportunities. Our outside perspective helps provide unbiased viewpoints, and our collaborative style helps minimize potential conflict.

What I Do

Our experience conducting complex marketing and sales transformations helps clients get things in the right order, fund the project as they go along, and build the capabilities they need in a coordinated and sustainable way. Our rigorous analysis is grounded in detailed performance metrics that link back to the company’s financial and management system. We collaborate with clients in four primary ways:
  • Clarifying the role of marketing and sales. We determine what role marketing and sales plays within the organization before helping evaluate how best to link it with other areas of the business to achieve strategic goals. After assessing which of the company’s activities should be “housed” in the marketing group—and which elsewhere—we help define the CMO and other key roles accordingly.

  • Taking marketing “beyond the marketers.” We work with clients to energize the entire organization—from finance to operations—to engage their customers across proliferating media and interactive channels within the rapid time cycles digital media demands.

  • Designing the optimal organizational model for marketing. We help companies design and structure their marketing organizations to best support the strategic objectives of the business as a whole. We enable better efficiency and performance by identifying and either repurposing or discarding less essential activities. Collaborating with our clients, we help build clear understanding of what marketing “owns”—and which activities reside elsewhere in the business.

  • Building capabilities for performance. We help clients build institutional skills grounded in the right behavioral, management, and technical systems, and help drive change at the front line, working collaboratively at all levels and across all functions of the organization, including more traditionally skeptical constituencies, such as front-line sales.